Sound Diplomacy – A guide to managing your night time economy

Sound Diplomacy, with contributions from AMIN chair Patrick Donovan, has put together ‘A guide to managing your night time economy’ for those interested in developing and expanding the benefits that the evening and nighttime economy have created around the globe. Written for mayors and their advisors, economic development professionals, tourism agencies, cultural bodies and nighttime professionals (including owners, operators, artists and managers); the guide highlights existing best practices while championing diversity, information‑sharing and debate.

The guide promotes global thought-leaders and case studies from Chile to Colombia, Germany to the USA and all the way to Melbourne, Australia where the AMIN Chair and CEO of Music Victoria, Patrick Donovan, explains the planning reform called Agent of Change. A reform which has successfully saved and protected multiple live music venues and rehearsal studios in Melbourne.

To build a strong nighttime economy, our city planners need to learn to feel the music” – Sound Diplomacy.

Access the report HERE

